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Try to use outstaffing with us

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If you need a quick start

Outstaffing saves you tons of time because you don’t need to recruit. So if you need to get something done really fast and it’s a task that doesn’t require a professional team to carry out — go for outstaffing.

If you need help with an ongoing project

If you feel need to reduce the average workload of your team members only for a certain project outstaffing is your savior. You will find a specialist much faster and there will be no need to fire him after.

If the task is simple

As long as outstaffing is cheaper, for any simple tasks that can be carried out solely it’s a solid option. For example, maintaining hardware and software in your office is much cheaper when you outstaff.

How to build your outstaffing team

  • Get In Touch

    Start the process. Make contact with us via email or phone. Or just fill up request form on our site.

  • Discuss Needs

    Choose one of our specialist. Talk to one of our experienced and knowledgeable representatives about your team needs.

  • Approve A Team

    Approve the team we build for you.

  • Sign An NDA Agreement

    Sign an agreement that defines goals and process needs.

  • Watch Business Grow

    Now focus on building your business & enjoy valuable time while we take care of the daily tasks that were previously taking up by yourself or your team members.

IT Staff augmentation

The Outstaffing model involves hiring a team of web developers, testers, or other specialists, which are provided for a client’s specific project or task. IT outstaffing fits startups and businesses that already have in-house development teams but still need extra resources (developers, designers, QAs, DevOps, architects, etc.) to complete tasks they can’t handle themselves or those who lack the technical knowledge and need a support or cannot find resources OR those who need a support.

With the staff augmentation model, you have the opportunity to personally choose the candidates and manage them with the methods you prefer. Basically, the vendor takes overall organizational and administrative hassles, while you get the opportunity to deal with your core responsibilities and collaborate with your augmented team the same way you do with your in-house developers.

IT Outstaffing is a good choice if you:

  • need to hire a team of some professionals, but it’s impossible due to the shortage on your local talent market
  • realize that local recruitment will take too long
  • looking to extend your search to other locations, because the stack of professionals that you intend to hire is rare in your country
  • want to communicate with your team directly on a daily basis and wish to be well-acquainted with your remote programmers to make sure they feel like part of your local team
  • don’t want to do all the organizational work, keep track of retention, etc

Outstaffing payments Models

Outstaffing can feel a lot like you’ve expanded your staff, without the headaches of taking on long-term employees. There are two outstaffing models when it comes to paying for and managing your outstaff team. First, there is the “cost model,” and then the “cost plus” model. We’ll discuss both here.

In a “cost” outstaffing model, the client pays the one flat fee to an IT outstaffing services provider to get a part- or full-time member for their company’s outstaff team. With that fee, the IT services company pays the team member’s salary, any benefits, bonuses, equipment expenses, and the like. It’s all rolled into one.

The amount an employee gets paid either for salary or any benefit extras is usually not disclosed to the client, as the IT services provider can disburse that money as it sees fit. The benefit here is you always know the exact amount you will be paying every month, and you’re spared the management hassles that come from administrating your outstaff team.

If you’re looking to do the cost-plus model for outstaffing development, then you’ll get more say over how your outstaff team members are paid, but you’ll may see more ups and downs in your expenses as a result.

Under this model, you pay for your outstaff team member’s salary, buy their computer equipment, pay bonuses and overtime, and cost of benefits. You don’t do this directly, as the outstaff team member is still an employee of your IT outstaffing provider. However, they will bill you these things and you will be responsible for paying them. It’s an arrangement that can work smoothly, but you will need to keep your HR department apprised of your outstaffing development plan, and make sure the rules of engagement are clearly defined.